But for now just see the process that I have gone FAT from slightly fabulous ! And want to share with you how the Singapore streets are like during Chinese New Year.

I started my day at 9:30 AM as I needed to meet my cousin's parent-in-law at 10AM and they said they would leave the hotel for Airport at 12.Need to meet them and send some money for mum. I supposed to go home to see mum but couldn't make it.
You know it's hard pulling myself out of bed as last night I hit the sack only around 4 am. Look at the clock and estimate the travelling time from my place to hotel and and close my eyes for another 5 minutes. I repeated doing it for 3 times and finally managed to pull myself to washroom and take cold shower. Squatting and brushing teeth at the same time and rushing like hell. I have never done my shaving, cleansing my face, putting moisturiser and dressing that fast before. Fortunately, just when I reached the bus stop, I saw the bus arrived.

The bus is rather empty and likewise, the streets.It's a smooth ride and it took me to reach Bugis Junction in 20 minutes which usually needs half an hour in normal days. You know the whole Bugis is like a ghost town. Where were all the constant current of vehicles? The crowds? It's kind of refreshing to see the usually-vibrant-lively place being deserted like this. The noise and air pollution was like nothing to do with this place..I took out the camera and snapping away a few shots.
We talked for a few minutes and then I saw them to the taxi stand. After that, I walked around to see the quiet city. About 12:30 I was on west bound train to go to Jason's Place. So much I wanted to go home and sleep but I couldn't let Jason feel bad for not turning up. I knew that he only invited a few of us for this occasion and celebration. Knowing the rest couldn't make it for some reason so being single and alone here.. I could always chuck in a little time slot to accomodate this kind of incidents. So I am always there for everyone. My shoulder is always ready for those who tired and need a warm shoulder to lean on. A listening ears who needs to vent out something. A councellor for those who required a little bit of my 2-cents-worth-advice. Good or bad? When I need a shoulder, an ear or coffee mate..will there be anyone???? haha... I kindda slip off the track a little.
When I reached West Mall I thought that I should buy something for Jason's Mum. She is a doting mum and very friendly and warm. But I really did not know what to buy..Food stuffs I was so sure that it's aplenty at their home. Umm...Just a chesse cake thinking that Jason's mum would like it.
I greeted her I looked around the kitchen wondering if there's anything that I could help. Seemed it's all ready and so Jason and me went on to those season's snacks and goodies. We played with his computer and talked rot.

Wow we took our new year lunch. So much food. The BBQ porks stilled half way through the stomach I was like oh god...And we toasts our drinks wishing happy and prosperous new year. Jason's mum explained to me about the Raw Salmon fish salad ( Yu Sheng) and I was all full again. It's a simple fair and I am really appreciate for their kindness and touched.

After that Jason planned to catch up with his secondary school mates. So we left together and on the way, he got a message that his mates were all gone. Poor Jason, he's all dressed up and now nowhere to go. So, we went to Coffee Bean for a hot coffee. No seat at all. And Jason! can you believe want to have ice cream! So we settled it with Swesen's. Oh!!! mine!!! Their serving,as you know, are all Jambo. I chosed the smallest available with many fruits. Jason! forever no problem. When I was done half-my-cup he's asking for another glass of water. I wonder where he stored all those junkies. Whew.......
(Dear Guys! the photos' quality is really bad. Bear with me, I will get back my camera charger soon)
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