Hi! How're you doing? This is Sai Sai O.K or just call me "Sean" for your convenience, if you are not a Myanmar.

Thanks for reading my blog and hope I could give you something..Be it a laughter..or just a smile. Or whatever that you are looking for. All my posts solely represent my thoughts like how I see and interpret everything coming my way. I do not represent any race or community. Neither associate with any organization. My writing may not fit everyone's taste or may not be pleased all the people out there and I am not trying to make everyone to agree my point of views.

But hey.. if you find something amused, take it, have fun and smile. If you find annoying, leave it and ignore. Does anyone say he or she is writing for nothing? No, none! We are all writing with a purpose. We want to share something we know or we feel etc. etc.. So find out what mine is and shoot me comments! Appreciate much!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Guys! Sean's gone mad! You might say after seeing today's title. Because all this while, my posts are about dining, skincare and the likes of my daily rants and bla..bla..and suddenly bring you to a BOARD ROOM. haha..

Well..guys! mind you!..I still am in a very sound state of mind. Just that I wanna share with you one of my many interests, corporate world so to say in broad term. So " Board Room" is going to be one of my regular entries I wanna share with you all about the today corporate world. From quotes of respectable corporate figures, job interviews, dress for success and DOs and DON'Ts. Hey again, I would like to stress that I am no guru nor a successful CEO. I will share with you what I have learned in my working life, what I have read in magazines and papers. And for my dress sense too I am still trying to cope it up with the trend but I am no where near to be labelled a trend-setter.. One reason, I am in construction industry and as we are ground staffs, our working environment does not allow us to cut a well-dressed and clean-cut image.

And I would like to write something for my fellow countrymen on the job market here, the working conditions and the preparation that they should take before leaving home so that they could have a smooth sailing in their journeys..

So, guys! please look out for Board Room 2, 3, 4 and so on...

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