Hi! How're you doing? This is Sai Sai O.K or just call me "Sean" for your convenience, if you are not a Myanmar.

Thanks for reading my blog and hope I could give you something..Be it a laughter..or just a smile. Or whatever that you are looking for. All my posts solely represent my thoughts like how I see and interpret everything coming my way. I do not represent any race or community. Neither associate with any organization. My writing may not fit everyone's taste or may not be pleased all the people out there and I am not trying to make everyone to agree my point of views.

But hey.. if you find something amused, take it, have fun and smile. If you find annoying, leave it and ignore. Does anyone say he or she is writing for nothing? No, none! We are all writing with a purpose. We want to share something we know or we feel etc. etc.. So find out what mine is and shoot me comments! Appreciate much!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Boardroom 2 - Are you at the right place? Take a wake-up Test

This is Boardroom series and as i said before this is gonna be something corporate. Something about career and sort of.

And it's just coincident that Chinese New Year's just over. Some people had got their expected big fat bonus.Some got less than what they expected.And it's the time that those waiting to make a move to new organizations, throwing in resignation letter. So basically this is the most happening and hopeful time for job hoppers or rather those seeking greener turfs.

So I have here with me something I want to share that I come across from an article, by Denise Wright,a certified coach and personal development speaker. Ask yourself " Are you stuck in a rut?" And see what you should do? stay put or go for a new high?

- You're bored.
- You feel undervalued or underappreciated at work?
- You're working longer and longer hours at the expense of everyone at home?
- Something is wrong but you're not sure what it is.
- You rather be doing something else, but you're not sure what that is.
- You finf yourself procastinating at work.
- You're spending more times daydreaming about your ideal job rahter than working the one you currently have.
- You constantly feel tired at work.
- You feel grumpy at work all day and when you go home you feels at if you accomplished nothing.
- You comtemplate calling in sick or finding some other excuses not to be in the office almost on a daily basis.
- You'd like to work for yourself, but "security" keeps you where you are.

His advice to anyone in this position is to decide if the pain of staying in this current position is greater than the pain of venturing into the unknown alternative. "If you have a fairly cushy job with a good pay and you're bored, the environment may not be the right one fpr change", he advises.

But the biggest goal, whatever your case, is to live what he calls, "a life of alignment," "Happiness, money, satisfaction tend to fall into place when you live a life of alignment." He says.

A key test he uses to help people decide if they are in the right place for them is the wake-up test. Ask yourself.Are you excited when you wake up every morning to go to work? If not, it's time for a change. He observes " who knows, if you leave your security to do something you like, you could actually end uo making more money".

Guys! what do you think? Quite true and his talks really make me pondered for awhile. I did a wake-up test for myself and the result is, I have to stay where I am. I have a lot more to pick up from the current place and according to my career ambition.

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