Hi! How're you doing? This is Sai Sai O.K or just call me "Sean" for your convenience, if you are not a Myanmar.

Thanks for reading my blog and hope I could give you something..Be it a laughter..or just a smile. Or whatever that you are looking for. All my posts solely represent my thoughts like how I see and interpret everything coming my way. I do not represent any race or community. Neither associate with any organization. My writing may not fit everyone's taste or may not be pleased all the people out there and I am not trying to make everyone to agree my point of views.

But hey.. if you find something amused, take it, have fun and smile. If you find annoying, leave it and ignore. Does anyone say he or she is writing for nothing? No, none! We are all writing with a purpose. We want to share something we know or we feel etc. etc.. So find out what mine is and shoot me comments! Appreciate much!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Paris Hilton...is really..

chance upon Paris Hilton while trying to compile a list of Men's Magazine for links and reference....

Here is what she said...(Extract from Maxim)

Paris Hilton is so rich and famous that if celebrities all lived in
their own country called, say, Celebritovia, which was a constitutional monarchy and where everybody lived in huge luxury hotels instead of houses, Paris Hilton would surely be their queen. Or rich princess, or something.

And if we had normal sex organs, they’d surely be in an near-constant state of arousal, because the hot heiress’s billion-dollar body seems to be just about everywhere you look right now – drunkenly draped across the tabloids’ party pages, running away terrified from bits of soil in her reality show The Simple Life and now she’s even popped up in the horror film House Of Wax.

She’s even more prolific than our aggressive psoriasis (which is on our eyes)! We wanted to know what it’s like to be the world’s most looked-at golden sex gazelle, so here, in her own words, is that…

On her public image:

‘I thought it was cute to play a dumb blonde.'

On TV,

'I do it because it’s funny. I consider myself a businesswoman and a brand.’

More on what she said and photos HERE... Sorry guys.. I am so tired and I burnt my whole day trying to organize this blog..enjoy!

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