[Beautiful Shan Plateau]
[One of the beautiful Sunrise Scenes in Myanmar]
[To enjoy the music video " Lonely is the night", you may wish to pause the real player at the left top corner playing background sound]
Guys! Those of you trying to matchmake me, I dedicate this song for you in appreciation of all your kindness. But tell you I enjoy this song very much myself too though I am not at all lonely for the time being.
And I was searching for some photos and facts to write something about my native land "Shan State". Oh ya.. I don't remember telling my readers that I am a " Shan, one of the major ethnic groups".
[The Fisherman of Famous Inlay Lake. The unique leg,rowing style that you can only find in Inlay Lake]
I was born in a small village called "Ze Lant ( may not be the correct spelling).You sure know a very pretty shan pricess "Saw Mon Hla" right! Ya we are from same native though I only heard about her in history. It's a small village sit on the china-myanmar boder line.
Guys I write more about it but meantime, listen to the song and see how beautiful my native land is..
{Inlay Lake is the second biggest lake and situated in Southern Shan State and accessible all year round}
Hi! How're you doing? This is Sai Sai O.K or just call me "Sean" for your convenience, if you are not a Myanmar.
Thanks for reading my blog and hope I could give you something..Be it a laughter..or just a smile. Or whatever that you are looking for. All my posts solely represent my thoughts like how I see and interpret everything coming my way. I do not represent any race or community. Neither associate with any organization. My writing may not fit everyone's taste or may not be pleased all the people out there and I am not trying to make everyone to agree my point of views.
But hey.. if you find something amused, take it, have fun and smile. If you find annoying, leave it and ignore. Does anyone say he or she is writing for nothing? No, none! We are all writing with a purpose. We want to share something we know or we feel etc. etc.. So find out what mine is and shoot me comments! Appreciate much!
Thanks for reading my blog and hope I could give you something..Be it a laughter..or just a smile. Or whatever that you are looking for. All my posts solely represent my thoughts like how I see and interpret everything coming my way. I do not represent any race or community. Neither associate with any organization. My writing may not fit everyone's taste or may not be pleased all the people out there and I am not trying to make everyone to agree my point of views.
But hey.. if you find something amused, take it, have fun and smile. If you find annoying, leave it and ignore. Does anyone say he or she is writing for nothing? No, none! We are all writing with a purpose. We want to share something we know or we feel etc. etc.. So find out what mine is and shoot me comments! Appreciate much!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. If I remember correctly, the Methodist bishop I met is also Shan.
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