Hi! How're you doing? This is Sai Sai O.K or just call me "Sean" for your convenience, if you are not a Myanmar.

Thanks for reading my blog and hope I could give you something..Be it a laughter..or just a smile. Or whatever that you are looking for. All my posts solely represent my thoughts like how I see and interpret everything coming my way. I do not represent any race or community. Neither associate with any organization. My writing may not fit everyone's taste or may not be pleased all the people out there and I am not trying to make everyone to agree my point of views.

But hey.. if you find something amused, take it, have fun and smile. If you find annoying, leave it and ignore. Does anyone say he or she is writing for nothing? No, none! We are all writing with a purpose. We want to share something we know or we feel etc. etc.. So find out what mine is and shoot me comments! Appreciate much!

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Guys! you might think I am sexually turbo-charged and hor-y. Well! I dont know. Maybe or maybe not..haha.. Being single and unattached (any taker? haha) and all alone here in Singapore, I have all the choice right. And my title and pictures are a sure indicator, you may suggest..but read on mates, why talking SEX of all the things. Huh..(This is my 2nd post talking about sex I guess)
Today is not a usual Sunday for me. I got up early to take part in NewParer Big Walk. But failed to reach to stadium by 7:30am. I dont know why these days I seem to have problem with taxis as such, soon I decided to flag a cab, there is none in sight. I waited for one till 7 am from 6:30 am this morning. Not a single taxi coming my way. At 7:15 am I called it quit as it's too late and walked to the market to buy some fresh produces to prepare Shan Noodles.
After that I made myself a nice cuppa coffee, played relaxing musics and flipping dailies. ST run articles about men( in their 50s) who died while having Sex. TNP talked about a young man (or men) who contracted AIDS from a fling in a Men' Bath House and exclusive descriptions by that young man how gay men indulged in unsafe(unprotected) sex and activities behind those closed doors of men' club.

And in recent news, there were reports that how people of all age groups played unsafe sex and with more than one partners and that of alarming STD patients ( sexually transmitted Diseases).

Sex ( Desire or Lust), in my humble opinion, is not new and it exists zillion years. I will leave it to experts to explain the details of sex progressiveness in every culture and society but one have to admit that getting a fling or ONS (one night stand)or Sex is a lot more easier than a century ago.And certainly in the east where sex is so much a taboo subjects. Till now, one can be degraded or devalued himself/herself if he/she is talking sex related topics (be it commentaries or casual talks) or seen roaming red light districts( real action or be it there on curious tour).

Even on this topic and post, some of my fellow people will sure say "such a disgrace.. we myanmar never talks sex openly.." Or some may be telling their friends " this guy is not a pure Burmese" This is not a personal note. And neither this is a conclusion based around my soical circles nor just people around me.

We asian and we burmese are more open towards sex now but a lot more to improve on this subject so that we can educate our youngs how to take on sex. A proper sex education and perception may somehow deter or lessen pre-marital sex, STDs, Abortions, single young mothers or fathers and promote awareness on safe, fun sex and fearless moments after sex I guess..

I mentioned in my earlier post, getting one aroused,up and running to get a sex partner is a lot easier, a mouse-click-away. Especailly, in developed and well connected metros. Singapore, KL, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei chat rooms, IRCs are crowded at all time and Sydney, New York, San Fransisco and etc.. it's just a matter of one a call away and time..Internet, Phone chat lines..and look at how online dating website sprouting and their massive members...
[Abercrombie & Fitch's Model]
It is inevitable that young guns, one point in time, will be exposed to porns, chatrooms and other form of stimulants.And well-oiled, well-digitized boobs, packed and full-of-well-toned-bodies and enticing Ads in every media. And they are only human beings..ask me and ask yourself.. My testosterone-charged active sex life is long over(as least for now pzzz..) but upon seeing those well delivered ads I all get excited let alone vulnerable teens..

So you agree making sex less foreign object and a proper guidance and talk to our children might help the world safer (from AIDS, SDTs). Don't you? Sex is part of living creatures.. Sooner or later, each and everyone of us have to face it taste it.. like it or not... Man or woman, A blue collar or a president...Gay or Lesbian... everyone...SEX as simple as that and as simple as S.E.X...Since it is part of our lives... make it simple and play it safe..shouldn't we?

Frankly, I am a late comer in sex. But not by choice.In a way I am happy with it thinking back how wild it was the imanination and fantasy I had when I was in my teen. Being born and bred in Burma, one has little chance to have a good understnding about sex and sexuality. I remenbered tha by word of mouths shared amongst the peers and eavesdropping to the elders, we learned it and fantasized about sex. Good or Bad, Internet was still not born yet and hence exposing to all forms of pornography is beyond imagination. But the nature does take it couse and we eventually entered adulthood and bang!bang!...knew the art of DIY..that's it. haha..

Fresh years in university was colourful. Away from parental guide and free to do anything within one's mean, but clearly we did nothing more than reading books and frequent blue movie screening(illegal screening). We broke free and sex jokes ruled our hostels. But hey! by that time, one is already at his adolescence and mature enough and less vulnerable (in my case ..haha)..

Only in my senior years that I experienced paid sex. And pre-marital sex is like comitting a crime (worst for girls). So with our love ones, never was something more than kisses or pettings. Of couse there were also sex between a more daring or open couples from more sophisticated big cities who had early and advanced exposure than us from countrysides.

And needless to say, I had my fair share of flings in Singapore. Single, Alone, Eligible, my social life and internet arrival helped a great deal to my prime active sex life. But I am not running wild and indulging all kind of sex acts with just any one mind you. I am not hitting on with just anyone who came my way or not taking on everyone who came knocking on my doors. It might be for ONS, but I need some sentiments. I need a feely touchy.I dont like the feeling or I cant do " Strip, Hit and Go". As and according unspoken ONS's rule, we do not leave any contact after the act but during the act....

Last but not least, I always play it safe and protected.And always make known to my partner, lover of the moment that I protect myself in a way protecting them... And that we can live a life on fearlessly or minimize the chance of contracting deadly AIDS...


Anonymous said...

Well... It's pretty interesting blog.. you should be writing more articles to educate burmese people about S.E.X. Overall, very good.


Anonymous said...

I think, this post is a kinda open talk as a Burmese. But I like it for your honesty and polite way of expression.

Sean OK, Sai said...


Thanks..you know what! Young burmese are much more better than me. But I will occasionally write something if I think I should..Or give me some suggestion on what particular aspect of SEX you would like me to write?



Thanks. I tone it down to suit some of our people..and I dont want it to be too erotic as this post meant for all ages :)

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.